Student Registration
A simple and minimal registration form allows students to register to the website quickly.

My Classes

View courses enrolled for. View course completion, topics covered. Student can add a feedback/review about trainer class after daily class completion.
Messaging feature allows batch broadcast feature for trainers & 1-to-1 message feature for students to clarify any doubts which will help in remote classes.
Online Courses/Video Courses

Student can buy Video courses & watch the course videos.
Video courses can also be associated with a batch & students can view the courses
Student can take up online exam for mid term & end term exams.
Mockup exams can also be configured & student can attempt multiple times & view the score.
Fees / Invoices
Pay fees for the coaching classes. View/download invoice.
Demo Classes
Student can watch any demo classes (Video courses) assigned to a student.
Helpdesk/Support Tickets
Student can raise a support ticket for any assistance from this page. The tickets are responded by the staff members.
Resources/Information Sharing
This page lists all useful resources for students. These are grouped into categories. These resources can be document download, audio or video files. These are uploaded from the backend.
Webinar & Events
Information about upcoming webinars, events, announcements are displayed in this page. Students can enroll for webinars.