
View various statistics about your business for the entire organisation or view specific branch office statistics. View follow-ups to be done & application reminders.
Lead Management

EduCtrl gives you the power to manage your sales process from beginning to end. View your leads with contact details & status. Staff can change the lead status to Hot/ Working/ Counselling/ Long Term/ Rejected etc. Filter leads by status, staff assignment. Staff can send email, sms, whatsapp to lead.
Staff can manually add a lead or lead is auto created using lead forms, email to lead or from facebook lead ad. Leads can be imported from csv file. Edit a lead, add followup notes to a lead, update next follow-up date, view lead follow-ups history.
Staffs are notified by email as per next follow-up date.
Student Management

View list of all students registered/created in the website. Staff can view student information, send email, send sms, whatsapp, edit profile, reset password, login as student(impersonate).
View: View a student details like Name, Email, Mobile, Address, Photo, Status, Support tickets created by the student.
Profile: View profile details, academic information, language certications, GRE/GMAT scores, internships, professional experience details.
Documents: View or download the documents uploaded by the student related to educational, language certifications & professional experience. Staff can also download all documents as single zip file.
Course Preference: For study abroad interested students, staff can view the course preferences filled by the student
Course Suggestion: Staff can send a course suggestion to study abroad interested student. The list of previously sent suggestions are shown in this page.
Applications: View all study abroad universites applied for, its details & status. Add a new application for overseas education.
University Applications

Manage study abroad applications.
View applications, status, filter by country, course, university or student.
Manage application status by updating the completed process steps & add notes etc. Any updates to the process steps are notified to student & student can take further action on this.
Send messages within the application details page. Students can reply to messages, attach files.

Manage your Agents & their commissions.
View agent referred students, configure agent commission percent, view agent commissions, make payout to agents.
Course Finder

Search courses and suggest to student or add to student course prefrences

Configure the application features like App name, logos, contact details. Configure home page sections, Enable/disable modules, lead status values, web to lead forms, invoice details, banners, modules, student documents, application status, student status, services supported, custom attributes, custom documents, email/sms/whatsapp/outbound calls, stats tracking or plugin js codes etc.
Student Invoices/Fees
Invoice Management. Create invoice for students, record payments, partial or full payments. Email invoice to student, download invoice pdf.
University Invoices
Create invoice to University for the students enrolled in the university. Configure university commission structure & generate invoice for the enrolled students. Share the invoice to university for payment. Record/track payments.
Student Referral
Referral feature allows students to refer other students and get a referral commission/reward. A unique referral code/link is generated for every student. Track refurrals and make payouts to students.
Send series of messages based on lead age, lead status or based on various other criteria. Send messages to leads, students, agents. Schedule message campaigns.
Form Builder
Create forms by selecting the required fields that needs to be shown in the form. Share the form link to prospects or embed the form on other website, blog or landing pages. You can also generate a QR code for the form link & share it or print it. Form submissions become leads in the CRM.
Multi-language Support
Student panel is now available in multiple languages. Students can choose their preferred language. Languages supported: English, French, Italian, Spanish
Reports available: Leads, Students, Staff, Applications, Agents & Sales. View report for Leads by Lead Status, By Staff, Staff-wise converstions, Charts. Staff follow-up activity reports. View Applications stats by status, By Staff & Charts. View Agent student referral charts, Sales charts. Filter all reports by date range or by Branch.
Course Suggestions
This feature allows the staff to create course suggestion documents based on country, education level, year of intake etc. These suggestion documents can be shared to students selectively.
It helps in creating a database of suggestions & quickly share it, instead of uploading every time.
Country Information
This feature allows to add articles/information country-wise in folder, sub-folder structure. These articles can be assigned private, member ony, public access permissions. Students can access these articles from their panel.
Staff can send broadcast email/sms/whatsapp messages to leads based on lead status. Send broadcast to students, agents, staff.
Import Leads, Students, Courses
Import leads data from csv files to your system. You can also import Students, University course data from csv files.
File Sharing
Any useful document/file which the staff want to share with the students can be uploaded into the server & can get a publicly accessible link to that file. This link can be shared with student to access the file.
The documents can also be grouped into categories.
Notification Templates
Automated emails/sms/whatsapp are sent from the software for various events. These emails/sms/whatsapp messages can be customized in this page. Custom templates can also be created & used during broadcast.
Webinar & Events
Webinars/events can be managed from this page. This information is displayed in student area. Students can enroll to webinar or event.
Staff Management
Create/edit/manage your staff members.
Roles Management
Allows to create/modify roles with required permissions. Staff can be assigned with these roles.
Pages (CMS)
A content management system to create pages for front end display. These pages can be linked to the main menu of the website.
Shop: Products, Orders
Sell digital products or physical products. Shop configuration includes product category maangmement, download management, shipping configurations, Order Management.